Project Demo Video

Instead of a live demo with an instructor, you’ll be putting together short videos to show off your project! This is something you can include on your README to provide more information on your app, and will give you practice for future demo days.


  • You can use any technology for recording your video, and you can be as creative as you’d like! Some suggestions for recording are QuickTime (included on your mac) and Loom.
  • Your video must include:
    • An introduction from each team member
    • The purpose of the app (why would someone use this app?)
    • A walk-through of how to use it
    • Your tech stack (Ex: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mocha, Chai and any NPM packages if used)
    • Wins & challenges
    • Any future additions
  • Your video should be between 5 and 10 minutes long and uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo when completed
  • Due Date: videos should be sent along with project repos by due date

Some Inspiration

Optional Viewing Party

We’ll get together to celebrate the completion of your apps by watching each other’s videos! We’d love for everyone show off their videos, but your team can choose if you’d like to share your video with the cohort or not.

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