Task Tracker - 1 Day Challenge

Learning Goals

  • Understand, navigate, and update code that you didn’t write
  • Debug application to find and fix bug
  • Apply JS concepts to build a new feature


screenshot of app


Iteration 0 - Set Up

  • Follow the instructions in the README to clone down this repo
  • Open the app in your browser (open index.html) and click around. Discover what functionality already exists.
  • Open up the code and explore! Take time to look at the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Iteration 1 - Scavenger Hunt

Set Up

  • Run git checkout scavenger-hunt to get to the correct branch
  • You should see // SCAVENGER HUNT BRANCH at the top of the main.js file to know you’re in the right place


Work with your group to find the following in the codebase. Be sure to take notes - we’ll discuss as a class when we come back together!

  1. What represents the data model? How do you know?
  2. Find two examples of the data model being updated. Why is it important to update the data model?
  3. Find one example of a DOM update that relies on the data model. Why is it important that the DOM update uses the information in the data model?
  4. Find two functions that have at least one parameter. Add a console log to each function to see what the value of that parameter is when the function is invoked. Click around the app and notice the console logs. Are the functions always logging the same value (i.e. is the value of the arguments always the same)?
  5. Find an example of bracket notation being used to access an object. Change it so it’s using dot notation. Does it still work? Why or why not?
  6. Find an example of a pure function. How do you know it’s a pure function?
  7. Find an example of an impure function that has a side effect. Discuss if it possible for that function to be pure. Why or why not?
  8. Find an example of a function’s returned value being used somewhere else. Are the functions in this example pure?
  9. Find an example of event delegation. Why is event delegation necessary there?

Iteration 2 - Bug Fix

Set Up

  • If you made changes to the code on the scavenger-hunt branch, you need to commit your work before switching branches (git add..., git commit...) - don’t push!
  • Run git checkout bug-fix to get to the correct branch
  • You should see // BUG FIX BRANCH at the top of the main.js file to know you’re in the right place


Here’s how your app SHOULD behave: screen recording

But, oh no! The No tasks today! message isn’t disappearing when a new event is added AND the new event isn’t appearing. Find the source of the bug and fix it!

  • Narrow your focus to the section of code labeled // No Tasks Message.
  • Follow the logic line by line and add console logs to check the code at every point. For example, what’s in our data model (tasks) at each point in the code? Are we getting into each conditional block as expected? What is the outcome of each function?

🌶 Optional Extension

The clearTasks function is really repetitive. Can you make that code DRYer?

  • First, can you make a reusable function with a parameter that clears out each day’s tasks? You might need to invoke that function 5 times…
  • Now, consider using Object.keys() to make it less repetitive.

Iteration 3 - New Feature

Set Up

  • If you made changes to the code on the bug-fix branch, you need to commit your work before switching branches (git add..., git commit...) - don’t push!
  • Run git checkout new-feature to get to the correct branch
  • You should see // NEW FEATURE BRANCH at the top of the main.js file to know you’re in the right place


Using the user stories below, add a feature to the app that allows you to delete a task.

  • When a user clicks the ❌ button on a card, that task should be removed from the data model.
  • When a user clicks the ❌ button on a card, that task should no longer appear on the screen (no matter what VIEW filter is applied).

🌶 Optional Extension

Using the user stories below, add a feature to the app that allows users to view recently deleted tasks.

  • In the index.html file, uncomment the new option in the filter-selection dropdown.
  • When a user selects the “RECENTLY DELETED” filter in the top right VIEW form, all tasks that the user has deleted should appear on the screen.
  • Deleted tasks should not appear under any other view.

Lesson Search Results

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