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ESlint Basics

Setting up eslint

(Non-React projects)

The following directions can also be found in the docs for ESLint here

Make sure that you have initialized your directory for npm by changing into that directory and running:

npm init --yes

Save ESLint as a dev dependency locally:

npm install eslint --save-dev

Set up a config file:

./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init

Follow the prompt for answering the questions about your style, selecting whatever is listed as the default. This will automatically create an .eslintrc.js in the root of your directory

Replace whatever is initialized in your eslintrc file with the following:

module.exports = {
  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "commonjs": true,
    "es6": true,
    "mocha": true
  "extends": "eslint:recommended",
  "parserOptions": { "sourceType": "module" },
  "rules": {
    "eqeqeq": ["error", "always"],
    "brace-style": "error",
    "comma-spacing": ["warn", { "before": false, "after": true }],
    "curly": "error",
    "semi-spacing": ["error", { "before": false, "after": true }],
    "indent": ["warn", 2],
    "key-spacing": ["error", { "beforeColon": false, "afterColon": true }],
    "keyword-spacing": ["error", { "before": true, "after": true }],
    "linebreak-style": ["error", "unix"],
    "max-len": ["warn", 80],
    "new-cap": ["error", { "newIsCap": true }],
    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always"],
    "space-before-blocks": ["error", { "functions": "always", "keywords": "always", "classes": "always" }],
    "space-infix-ops": ["error", { "int32Hint": false }]

After that, you can run ESLint in your project’s root directory like this:

./node_modules/.bin/eslint yourfile.js

Add to package.json

Additionally, you can also set up a script to run in your package.json so that you’re not having to type out the file path every single time.

"scripts": {
  // ...,
  "eslint": "./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint yourfile.js"

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